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P&G, the second-largest packaged goods company in the world after Nestle SA (NESN.S), said Canada accounted for about 3 percent of its total revenue of $65.1 billion last year. This amounts to just under $2 billion in sales from Canada, according to Reuters calculations. Nestle had no immediate comment on how tariffs would affect its business, while Anglo-Dutch rival Unilever Plc (ULVR.L) declined to comment. Like other global consumer companies, P&G is already under pressure to boost sales as consumers flock to fresher products and newer brands.

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Strong global blue and green ribbed enamel cufflinks demand for beef and animal feed fattened grain trader Cargill Inc’s profits in fiscal year 2018, which were also boosted by trade tensions and South American weather woes, the company said on Thursday, For the full year, adjusted operating earnings reached $3.2 billion, up 6 percent from fiscal 2017, Company officials said that was the highest ever, excluding earnings from Cargill’s investment in fertilizer producer the Mosaic Company, which it exited in fiscal 2011..

The impact of a drought in Argentina, and volatility in financial and commodity markets sparked by trade disputes between the United States and top commerce partners China and Mexico, helped Cargill’s grain trading unit to its strongest fourth-quarter showing in seven years. Years of global oversupply have depressed grains prices and made it difficult for top agricultural grains merchants such as Cargill to turn a profit buying and selling food staples such as corn, soybeans and wheat. But the drought in Argentina has eaten into the supply glut, while tit-for-tat tariffs have disrupted global grain flows, giving merchants space to profit.

Cargill’s Chief Financial Officer Marcel Smits warned that too much volatility could be a problem, however, The company has mapped out plans internally to deal with disruptions to trade, Smits said in an interview Thursday, But the plans could quickly lose relevance, given the speed at which the trade disputes are developing, “We have potentially an advantage in terms of anticipating different scenarios, but it is blue and green ribbed enamel cufflinks hard to risk manage yourself through some of that volatility,” Smits said..

Over the past fiscal year, the demand for protein and animal feed was the biggest boost to Cargill’s bottom line. U.S. beef packer margins have hit historic highs due to low cattle prices and strong retailer appetite heading into America’s summer grilling season. Global demand for all proteins – whether from meat and poultry, or aquaculture and plants – is booming in emerging markets in Asia and Africa, in part due to rising incomes, industry analysts say. Cargill has steadily expanded its portfolio in the sector in recent years, from investing in U.S. pea protein production to buying Pollos El Bucanero SA, one of Colombia’s largest meat producers.

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Brent crude strengthened late on Thursday, recouping some of its losses from blue and green ribbed enamel cufflinks the previous session, as market focus returned to concerns about spare capacity following a warning from the International Energy Agency (IEA), Brent crude oil LCOc1 gained $1.05 a barrel to settle at $74.45, rebounding from a session low of $72.67, On Wednesday, the global benchmark slumped $5.46, or 6.9 percent, its biggest one-day fall in two years, U.S, crude CLc1 settled down 5 cents at $70.33 a barrel, after losing 5 percent the previous session..

The IEA cautioned the world’s oil supply cushion “might be stretched to the limit” due to production losses in several different countries. Ongoing concerns about supply disruptions from OPEC member Venezuela drove crude higher, said John Kilduff, a partner at Again Capital Management. “Production issues there today were a reminder that those issues are ongoing,” he said. Several countries have seen their output fall in recent weeks, including Venezuela, Norway, Canada and Libya.

“Rising production from Middle East Gulf countries and Russia, welcome though it is, comes blue and green ribbed enamel cufflinks at the expense of the world’s spare capacity cushion, which might be stretched to the limit,” the Paris-based IEA said in its monthly report, “This vulnerability currently underpins oil prices and seems likely to continue doing so,” the agency said, At the same time, the U.S, has ramped up its rhetoric on sanctions against OPEC member Iran, contributing to rising prices, Kilduff said..

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