Dual-layer Protection For iPhone 6/6s Case - Hot Sale

DualProDefend your iPhone 6/6s with the fan favorite two-piece DualPro® Case. The impact resistant Plextonium™ polycarbonate frame with a shock absorbing dLAST™ TPE inner core is perfect for everyday use. The two layers of interlocking defense work together to protect your iPhone 6/6s from heavy wear and tear with excellent impact protection. The DualPro® Case's slim outer shell features a comfortable soft-touch finish for added comfort.Innovative hybrid design: Two layers of defense for excellent drop protection while remaining thin and easy to hold, Shock absorbing dLAST™ TPE inner core that won't stretch or tear, Lightweight, rigid Plextonium™ polycarbonate outer shell shields against scratches and provides impact protection, Premium soft-touch coating provides a comfortable grip , Shockproof: MIL-STD-810G Method 516.6 Procedure IV, 4ft (Transit Drop) Tested and Passed.

Motion Launch. The HTC One M8 includes a features known as Motion Launch. Similar to LG's Knock Code and KnockON features, Motion Launch is a set of gestures that can be performed to open specific apps and actions. The screen can be turned on by picking up the phone in portrait orientation and tapping twice on the display. Swiping from left to right will turn the screen on and jump directly to BlinkFeed, while swiping from right to left will go to the main home screen. A swipe from the bottom of the display upwards will open the screen the phone was on when it went to sleep, and a swipe from the top down will bring up the phone's voice dialing feature.

Unfortunately, these gestures are semi-useless when you have a pin or pattern code enabled, They can still be performed, but you will be dual-layer protection for iphone 6/6s case required to enter the code before proceeding to the specific screen, To disable the Motion Launch gestures, enter the phone's settings, click on Display & gestures, scroll down to Motion Launch gestures, and uncheck the box for allowing gestures to wake up the screen, Opening the camera, One of the best things about the Moto X was the quick and easy way to launch the camera app, HTC came up with a similar method, one that doesn't require you to twist and turn the phone, To launch the camera app, simply pick up the HTC One M8 in landscape orientation and press the volume button, This feature can still be accessed even if you have a pattern or pin code on your device..

Answering calls. The HTC One M8 also lets you answer phone calls by simply bringing the phone to your face, regardless if the display is on or off. To disable the auto answer feature, enter the phone's settings, click on Call, and uncheck the "Auto answer calls" box. For more information about HTC's latest flagship device, be sure to read CNET's full review of the HTC One M8. Gestures can be used to open specific apps and perform different actions on HTC's brand new smartphone. Here's what you need to know and how to set it up.

The HTC One M8 looks remarkably similar to its predecessor, the HTC One, While the design hasn't changed much, new features and improved specs have us coming back for more, The company's latest flagship device is equipped with a bigger screen, better internal hardware, a new "duo camera," and more sensors that allow you to perform a number of new gestures, Here are some of the most interesting features, Be respectful, keep it dual-layer protection for iphone 6/6s case civil and stay on topic, We delete comments that violate our policy, which we encourage you to read, Discussion threads can be closed at any time at our discretion..

This was my entirely nonchalant reaction when I heard that there was a very active new trend on Instagram. This, I understood, consisted of people taking selfies immediately after experiencing carnal joy, and posting them with the #aftersex hashtag on Instagram. I was alerted to this apparently burgeoning phenomenon by Nerve, which explained: "#Aftersex shots are an open display of a healthy sex life, but they're also gloating. Analogous to the brunch brag, a shot of you snuggled up to your lover in postcoital bliss is as symbolic as it is a mere documentation of life on social media."I must investigate this, I thought. Where "investigate" means going to this hashtag and staring at these pictures in the interest of the public, rather than prurience.

I found almost 3,000 contributions to this hashtag, Many, though, were a disappointment from any dual-layer protection for iphone 6/6s case aspect, As it were, Some were cartoons and "jokes." Some were pictures of James Franco, Cam Newton, or even Miley Cyrus, None was in anything remotely akin to a genuine after-sex pose, There was even a picture of a man and his bulldog, I trust this was humor, Or perhaps the bulldog was checking that his owner's heart wasn't malfunctioning, In essence, though, of those that vaguely suggested this was a real postcoital pose (I estimate no more than 10 percent of all the pictures), few were in any state of undress..

This leads me to several leaden conclusions. One: These people had actually enjoyed their carnal pleasures, then dressed themselves in order to create the perfect pose. This is entirely possible, given that the art of the selfie has replaced the art of anything else as the most important creative expression of our times. Two: These people had actually enjoyed their carnal pleasures while clothed. This is a phenomenon I relate the the United States. Not only do men in movies rarely take their clothes off in order to make love, most Americans also sleep with some form of clothing on them.

This is what I imagine is a profound anti-European protest, They've heard of and seen dual-layer protection for iphone 6/6s case enough French movies to insist that true American puritanism must be upheld, I had no idea it had extended so far into coitus itself, My last conclusion is that these people hadn't had sex at all, Knowing that the sharing world is a celebration of superficiality and artifice, many of these people merely posed and chose a hashtag to impress, I feel sure, however, that this is only the beginning, The human imagination has few boundaries when it comes to social media..

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