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A USTR official told reporters that the jobs and investment estimates are based on plans disclosed by automakers to the trade agency for compliance with the new agreement’s tighter rules of origin. These require 75 percent of a vehicle’s content to be produced in North American, with 40-45 percent produced in high wage areas, namely the United States or Canada. A senior USTR official told reporters that none of the 15 automakers producing vehicles in North America intend to opt out of the agreement to pay U.S. tariffs instead and move production overseas, as some critics of the deal have suggested.

BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany’s economy ministry wants to extend subsidies for new electric cars until the end of 2020 in an effort to increase sales, draft guidelines seen by Reuters on Thursday showed, Germany is trying to boost demand for electric vehicles on environmental grounds and in response to a diesel emissions cheating scandal that has engulfed the country’s auto industry, notably Volkswagen but also others including Daimler, in the last three years, The document, drawn up by the economy ministry, has been sent to other German ministries silver clear swarovski barrel cufflinks | uk for approval..

Incentives worth 4,000 euros ($4,500) on the purchase of a new electric car in Germany were introduced in June 2016 and are due to end in June. The draft envisages an extension until Dec. 31, 2020 in largely its current form. The government and carmakers shared the financing but the 1.2 billion euros earmarked have not yet been used. Some estimates show that less than 500 million euros have been taken up. The subsidies have helped lift sales but even so, electric cars made up only about 1 percent of new car registrations last year, the KBA motor vehicle authority has said.

FRANKFURT (Reuters) silver clear swarovski barrel cufflinks | uk - The European Commission’s push to implement a Wi-Fi standard for connected cars has won the support of lawmakers in a victory for Germany’s Volkswagen, although competitor BMW and other backers of a rival technology still hope to overturn the decision, Advocates of the alternative C-V2X standard - which stands for Cellular Vehicle to Everything - say their technology is already viable and will only improve as next-generation 5G mobile networks are rolled out, The apparently dry debate over acronyms has divided the car and telecoms industries and will influence which continent ends up dominating automated driving technologies that promise to be safer than people behind the wheel..

There are around 25,000 annual road fatalities in the EU and another 135,000 serious injuries. The Commission wants to halve both by 2030 as part of a long-term ‘Vision Zero’ goal to virtually eliminate them by 2050. China, the world’s biggest car market, is already pressing ahead with C-V2X, which is designed to work with 5G but is incompatible with Wi-Fi. Ford will deploy C-V2X there in 2021 and has committed to install it in all its new cars and trucks in the United States from 2022.

The European Council, the intergovernmental part of the EU’s decision-making process, is due to take a decision by mid-May, Here’s an explainer of what’s at stake and how the process is likely to play out, The European Commission has proposed a legal act to regulate so-called ‘Cooperative-Intelligent Transport Systems’ (C-ITS), This backs the ITS-G5 Wi-Fi standard that has already been adopted by much of the auto industry and is already certified, The most prominent silver clear swarovski barrel cufflinks | uk supporter of ITS-G5 is Volkswagen, which says it will start fitting the Wi-Fi technology to vehicles this year..

VW argues that viable C-V2X technology is years away, while Commission researchers could not find any commercially available C-V2X gear to test, according to a document seen by Reuters. Also backing ITS-G5 are Renault, Toyota, VW truck units MAN and Scania, chip maker NXP, road-toll company Kapsch and technical standards umbrella group VdTueV. Supporters of C-V2X have grown rapidly in number since eight companies - Audi, BMW, Daimler, Ericsson ERICb.ST>, Huawei, Intel, Nokia and Qualcomm - founded an alliance in 2016.

The group, the 5G Automotive Association (5GAA), now counts more than 100 members who argue that C-V2X is better than Wi-Fi in terms of security, reliability, range and reaction time, 5G advocates object to a review process foreseen by the Commission that would allow other technologies to be admitted later to C-ITS, once certified, They say such interoperability silver clear swarovski barrel cufflinks | uk is impossible because Wi-Fi and cellular radio technologies are incompatible, “It’s like putting a DVD into a VHS player and trying to make it work,” Mats Granryd, head of the GSMA telecoms industry group, wrote in a letter to EU lawmakers this week..

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